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Patrick: .AR BRAS

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Patrick: Thank you Inga,.... With a big patient and funds, veils result.... Yes, I am the happiest of the men because my BABY VANIA is cured. Therefore I have just inscribed it has Saint-BRIEUC in young class with RED ADMIRAL... On May 11th, 08 Canine Exhibition Interationale (With attribution of CACIB of FCI and of PARIS STOCK EXCHANGE INDEXES of SCC)...

filaalfa: Oh, Patrick! Your fila Vania is very attractive and beautiful! I believe she will be a winner in the dog show in May!

Patrick: .Lors d'une exposition en 2008, AMZER.. Femelle.. 1er excellent meilleur de race et C.A.C.S, BREIZH ..Male... 1er excellent. .Lors of an exhibition in 2008, AMZER.. Female.. 1st very good better of breed and C.A.C.S, BREIZH.. Wrong... 1st very good. .

Patrick: .Voici la région Française ou j'Habite, c'est la Bretagne, ma cmmune s'appelle SARZEAU. Golfe du Morbihan.. .Вуаси регион француженка или я Живу, это Бретань, мой район называется САРЗО. Залив Морбиана.. .Voici the region Frenchwoman or j ' lives, it is Brittany, my village is called SARZEAU. Gulf of Morbihan..

Patrick: . Un trЁЁs trЁЁs fort courant a la sortie du golfe.. . One very very extremely has the exit of the gulf.. . §µ §а§Х§Я§а§Ф§а §а§й§Ц§Я§о §а§й§Ц§Я§о §г§Ъ§Э§о§Я§н§Ы §д§Ц§Ь§е§л§Ъ§Ы §У§н§з§а§Х §Щ§С§Э§Ъ§У§С..

Patrick: Un jour de tempЁЁte.. §°§Х§Я§С§Ш§Х§н §д§С§Ю§б§п§д.. A day of tempЁЁte..

Patrick: ville de Perm (1 million d'habitants), capitale administrative de la région de la Prikamié, bordée par le grand fleuve Kama (qui se jette dans la Volga plus au sud, en allant vers Kazan). Fondée en 1723, Perm ... fondateur de la ville, Vassili Nikititch Tatishchev (Татищев Василий Никитич, 1686-1750), éminent ingénieur des mines, géographe et historien, compagnon de Pierre le Grand, city of Perm (1 million inhabitants), administrative capital of the region of Prikamié, edged by the big river Kama (which throws itself into Volga more in the south, leaving towards Kazan). Founded in 1723, founder Perm of the city, Vassili Nikititch Tatishchev (Òàòèùåâ Âàñèëèé Í èêèòè ÷, 1686-1750), distinguished engineer of mines, geographer and historian, companion of Peter the Great, . Devant la façade de la Poste, le poteau qui marque le kilomètre zéro (столб нулевого километра), borne ornée de l'aigle bicéphale au-dessus de laquelle est indiquée la distance à Moscou, soit 1 300 verstes (1 387 kilomètres In front of the facade of Post office, the post which marks the zero kilometre (ñ òîëá í óëåâîãî êèëî ì å ò ð à), delimit adorned with the two-headed eagle above which is pointed out the distance in Moscow, that is 1 300 versts (1 387 kilometres

Bandy: Что-то меня вводят в сомнение чёрные фила. Раньше это считалось плохо. Зато теперь - просто супер. Были на Евразии'07 - правда не выставлялись - мы тогда ждали ребёнка, и на выставку ходили просто других посмотреть, себя показать. И первое место там заняли именно чёрные фила - брат с сестрой.

Patrick: Merci Bandy, ... La traduction en Russe ne passe pas, donc Franзais / Anglais.. Le fila noir en France est mal vue, VANIA Imperio Dordo va faire sa 1 иre exposition le 11 Mai 08.. Elle vient de Moscou de chez mes Amies Lisa et Olga. Je suis trиs fier de cette chiиnne. Et peut etre je prendrais un Male chez mon Amie Tanya ( Bango ) de rostov-sur-le-Don,**. un petit bonjour en passant..** Thank you Bandy,... The translation in Russian does not pass, therefore Frenchman / Englishman.. Black in France spun it is badly seen, VANIA Imperio Dordo is going to make the 1 epoch exhibition on May 11th, 08.. It comes from Moscow from my friends Lisa and Olga. I am very proud of this bitch. And can etre I would take Wrong one at my friend Tanya (Bango) of rostov-sur-le-Don, **. a baby good morning en passant **

Patrick: .The France in version Russian for you my Friends.... La france en version Russe pour vous mes Amies....

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